The survey data collected by Human Health Project on both migraines as well as lupus emphasizes the usefulness of its Shared Patient Information program. The survey data collected for both migraines and lupus is designed to help individuals better understand health factors, and includes guidance and information for treatment options.

As described in the Migraine Data, migraines are caused by a combination of both environmental and genetic factors. Lupus, as summarized in the Lupus Data, is an autoimmune disease that occurs when the immune system attacks tissues and organs. Lupus can be hard to diagnose because its signs and symptoms are ambiguous and are similar to those of other conditions. Researchers believe that lupus develops in response to a combination of factors, including hormones, genetics, and environment.

It is also interesting to note significant comparisons in the data for migraines and lupus regarding treatments. For instance, there was a substantial percentage more of surveyees who recorded using the over the counter treatment ibuprofen for migraine headaches than for lupus. 69.7% of surveyees used ibuprofen to treat migraines, while only 38.1% of surveyees used this drug to treat lupus. Prescription drugs are the most used treatment for lupus from the survey data, with 63.2% of surveyees having reported using Hydroxychloroquine to treat lupus. This was greater than the highest percentage reported for prescription treatments for migraine headaches, which was 30.6% for the prescription drug Sumatriptan.

Another important data point is regarding lifestyle changes to treat migraine headaches. For instance, 30.3% of surveyees labeled stress management as a lifestyle change to manage migraine headaches, compared to 63.2% of surveyees who indicated stress management to manage lupus. From analyzing both over the counter treatments as well as lifestyle changes, it is clear that surveyees used more over the counter treatments such as ibuprofen to treat migraines compared to lupus. However, surveyees who were diagnosed with lupus used more psychological lifestyle changes relating to stress management as well as prescription medication, to manage their lupus, compared to surveyees suffering from migraines. These data points, while emphasizing the differences between migraines and lupus, also demonstrate the effectiveness and relevance of the surveyed information for both illnesses as a part of HHP’s Shared Patient Information program.

More information about HHP’s Migraine Data can be found here:

More information about HHP’s Lupus Data can be found here: